Docker Task 7.2 (A & B)

3 min readMar 12, 2021

Task Description(A)- Configure httpd in docker container

The requirement for this task is to have docker installed in the system.

  1. Pull the image of the os that we need for the container. command — docker pull <image_name>:version #I will use centos:latest

and check whether the image is there or not by command — docker images

2. launch a docker container with the downloaded image and the command is — docker run -it — name <container_name> <image_name>:<version> …#I will use command docker run -it — name myos_httpd centos:latest

3. Yum is already configured and we can use yum command to install httpd tool so that the container can be used as webserver. command — yum install httpd

4. create an image from the container using commit command.

command — docker commit <container_name> <new_image_name>:<version> # I used docker commit myos_httpd mdk/httpd-image:v1

to check, we can use command docker images

Task Description(B)- Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container

  1. The first thing to do is to pull the docker image that we need for the container. command — docker pull <image_name>:<version> #I will use the previously pulled image (centos:latest).

2. creating container by the image pulled earlier. command — docker run -it — name <container_name> <image_name>:<version> #the command I use is — docker run -it — name myos_python centos:latest

3. Installing python interpreter using yum command. command — yum install python3

check whether the environment is right or not —

4. creating the image from the configured container. command — docker commit <container_name> <new_image_name>:<version>

docker commit myos_python mdk/python:v1

check created image by command docker images.

